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HomeGovernmentSpecial Advisor on International Disability Rights Minkara’s Travel to Sri Lanka, Nepal,...

Special Advisor on International Disability Rights Minkara’s Travel to Sri Lanka, Nepal, Laos, and Singapore

U.S. Special Advisor on International Disability Rights (SAIDR) Sara Minkara traveled to Sri Lanka, Nepal, Laos, and Singapore from March 6 to 23 to engage with host government officials, civil society, and veterans with disabilities on how to integrate disability rights issues across government, industry, and society.

In Sri Lanka, SAIDR Minkara met with government officials and civil society to learn about efforts to enhance physical accessibility and political participation for Sri Lankans with disabilities. She also met with demining personnel with disabilities to highlight the benefits of greater disability inclusion in recovery and reconciliation efforts in the aftermath of the Sri Lankan Civil War.

In Nepal, she discussed accessible tourism with Nepalese tourism companies and expanding persons with disabilities’ access to legal protections with host government officials. She also gave remarks during a wheelchair marathon, where she emphasized the importance of sports in creating a community for persons with disabilities.

In Singapore, she encouraged greater capacity-building ahead of the upcoming meetings of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Ministers Responsible for Trade and the APEC Women and Economy Forum in Arequipa in May, building on discussions from when the United States chaired the forum last year.

In Laos, she supported the government’s leadership to drive further integration of disability-inclusive policies during its host year of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

Official news published at https://www.state.gov/special-advisor-on-international-disability-rights-minkaras-travel-to-sri-lanka-nepal-laos-and-singapore/

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